Poster pitches and poster session 2
Poster pitches and poster session 2 Zero-configuration genomic data science with bioc2u Analysis of differential genomic interactions between experimental conditions in capture Hi-C data: Sharing data between neighbouring restriction fragments Analysis and visualization of ChIP-seq and ATAC-seq data using epiwraps GeDi - improving gene set distances accounting for network-based information Streamlining LC-MS/MS Data Analysis in R with Open-Source *xcms* and *RforMassSpectrometry*: An End-to-End Workflow iSEEfier: Starting to use iSEE became even easier Deciphering Organ-Specific Lipid Signatures in Zebrafish with a Spatial Lipidomics Pipeline atena: an R/Bioconductor package for the analysis of transposable elements CENTRE: A Bioconductor package for cell type specific enhancer-promoter prediction Benchmark of single-cell batch correction methods available in the R and Python ecosystems.