
Call for abstracts

  • February 1: Call for abstracts opens
  • April 26 (5pm BST): Call for abstracts closes
  • May 8: Notification of abstract decision
  • September 5: Submission of Birds-of-a-Feather sessions closes

Submission types


Flashtalks are very short presentations (5 min or less) that may be submitted up until the day of the session, granted on a first come, first served basis.

Please refer to the conference schedule for the date and time of the flashtalk session.

Slides must be either publicly accessible online or uploaded to a shared Google Drive. Presenters will not be allowed to connect their own laptop. We advise presenters to keep presentations simple (e.g., avoid animations where possible).

Conference delegates already scheduled to present a short talk or poster are welcome to submit flashtalks.

Submit a flashtalk using this Google Form.


Birds-of-a-feather sessions are free-format, organizer-lead interactive discussions on a topic relevant to the Bioconductor community. Birds-of-a-feather sessions can be proposed until September 5, by filing an issue in

In the issue, please provide information about the plan and intended outcomes of the session, as well as the name and contact information of the organizer(s). You may refer to for examples submitted last year.

Short talk

10 min talk immediately followed by 5 min of questions, focused on a package, an application note, or a current research presentation. Presentations seeking collaboration or input from the community are encouraged.

Presenters are encouraged to submit their slides to the Bioconductor EuroBioC2024 conference gateway on F1000Research. The submission is free, and published slides on F1000Research will receive a digital object identifier (DOI). For more details, please refer to the Poster & Slides Guidelines. Inclusion of the Bioconductor logo and/or #EuroBioC2024 tag is encouraged.

Software demo (“short workshop”)

40 min demonstration of a software package or workflow.


Classical poster printed on paper to be stuck to a wall, approximate size A0.

Poster presenters are encouraged to submit their poster to the Bioconductor EuroBioC2024 conference gateway on F1000Research. The submission is free, and published posters on F1000Research will receive a digital object identifier (DOI). For more details, please refer to the Poster & Slides Guidelines. Inclusion of the Bioconductor logo and/or #EuroBioC2024 tag is encouraged.

Contributed session

Dedicated session consisting of 2-3 talks (10-15 min each) and a 10-15 min discussion by the session chair(s). To propose a contributed session, all the intended talks must be submitted separately by the respective presenter (as regular short talk submissions) to OpenReview, and in addition a proposal for the contributed session must be submitted by the session chair(s), providing a brief description and listing the talks that would take part in the session.